Monday, 29 March 2021

Himalayan Pink Salt products from Himalayan Chef-Healthy eating.

In New York City in the heart of 
Gramercy Park I am at BLT prime and we 
are about to meet chef Dimitri who is 
going to be preparing some delicious 
dishes using Himalayan chef pink 
Himalayan sea salt blocks let's go see 
what he's gonna prepare for us in the 
kitchen I'm Dimitri petrikov here at BLT
Prime in New York City and today we're 
gonna grill on some pink Himalayan salt 
so a few days ago I got a care package 
from the Himalayan chef there's a big 
box of salt on different varieties of it 
obviously the block was the first thing 
I jumped on because it's so wow factor 
of it they also sent me a grinder that
we used to grate the salt on top a 
couple of shakers and a couple of 
different herbs mixed in with the salt 
the other thing that you have to keep in 
mind is when you heat the block you must 
start on low heat and heat it up for about 10 or 15 minutes on low and then crank it up to high we're making hanger steak today marinated in balsamic pomegranate and to start the 
marinade we're gonna chop up some 
shallots and some garlic
we're so dope a little olive oil 
the shallots and garlic and we just 
chopped they're gonna go right in let 
that cook for just a minute all right so as after we sweat the shallots and
garlic we're just a little bit we're 
gonna add some red wine vinegar some 
balsamic vinegar some fresh cranberries 
and a sprig of thyme 
I'm going to let that roll for about 
20-25 minutes so it reduces by about
half as the marinate is finishing we're 
gonna throw in the pomegranate seeds 
just so that they don't deteriorate 
right away 
they're gonna let that cool to room 
temperature gonna marinate the steak and 
we're gonna season the asparagus throw 
the asparagus the steak and the scallops onto the block so we're gonna make a dry rub for the asparagus it's going to be a little bit on the spicy side that's called a Cajun rub we're gonna leave the salt element out of it because we're 
cooking on Himalayan salt blocks so 
we're gonna use two different types of pepper some garlic powder oregano cumin 
seed and paprika so a little cayenne 
pepper garlic powder smoked paprika red pepper dried oregano and cumin seeds mix 
all the spices up and this is 
essentially gonna be the Cajun rub for the asparagus it's gonna do a little bit of olive oil 
on the asparagus to make that Cajun 
spice stick to that generously apply the rub that we made the more moisture you
have on the ingredient you're cooking on 
the block the saltier it'll be so we'll 
put some Himalayan black pepper on the 
scallops drizzle just a little bit of 
olive oil and we're ready to go on the block so we'll splash some water on the blocks make sure they're good to go once you hear that sizzle you know they are we'll 
start off with the hanger steak some of 
the asparagus and the scallops so we're gonna pull the asparagus the steak and the scallops off and we're ready to plate so about four to five minutes on either side will be a medium 
rare on the block 
and if the block is super hot it won't absorb a lot of salt so it's always nice 
to have a little bit on hand for a 
little finishing flavor prior prior to marinating the steak in the bag we reserved some of the sauce just for the finishing touch sprinkle of pomegranate seeds a sprig of thyme just a little bit of the greatest
Himalayan salt over the top they have it 
one of the benefits of Himalayan salt is 
its versatility so we used it as a hot 
presentation plate to cook our steaks 
asparagus and scallops on in this dish 
we're gonna use it as a cold
presentation plate for some tuna sashimi 
so we have some ahi tuna some daikon 
radish carrots scallions and we're gonna 
make a yuzu vinaigrette yuzu is a Japanese citron which is somewhere between a lemon and a tangerine we're gonna use that as the base for a vinaigrette a little bit a bit of sesame oil some mirin and sesame seeds we're gonna start off with some grated ginger ginger is easiest grated on the microplane because of the fibers inside of it they break up much easier when you grate it versus chopping it or dicing it 
so we're gonna dress the salad with the 
vinaigrette slice up the tuna and plate it on that lovely. Himalayan salt lock move the scallions the carrots and the daikon radish some of our vinaigrette we're gonna let that sit
just for five minutes for the flavors to 
incorporate as we cut the tuna we're gonna put a little bit of the salad on the bottom just to have a little bit of barrier between the tuna 
and the salt block itself because over 
time it tends to get a little bit salty so you want something to counteract that 
lay the tuna right on top some of the 
salad as a garnish and to finish it off 
one spoonful of the vinaigrette over the 
tuna and the vinaigrette will also help 
the salt absorb into the fish itself the 
salad on the bottom will keep it from 
being overly salty finish it off with a 
sprinkle of sesame seeds so the 
versatility of salt block is great 
obviously you could use it as a hot dish 
that we did for the steak and there's a 
cold presentation as well I wanted to do 
something a little bit more approachable 
that if you do have it at home you could 
do that with ease so iTune is very very 
popular among everybody you too can be replaced with lime if you can't find the juice in that and then this is a great centerpiece or a presentation piece if you're doing it at home if you're doing it with guests or a holiday party.
Something like that to put something 
like this on the table it's gonna have a 
WOW factor more than any other plate 
thank you very much for having me on the

Which Type of Salt is The Healthiest?

doctor and I care for people who have kidney disease high blood pressure heart disease heart failure liver disease a whole spectrum of problems and one of the things that is important for a lot of my patients is if they eat a low sodium diet so what I often hear from my patients is they say well I've started.

using sea salt instead of regular salt
just to make sure I'm doing better for 
my health and so I thought it'd be fun today if I took a few minutes and I went through the type of salts I have at home and the health benefits of each one let me start by saying this first and clearly all salt is salt let me say that again all sold short so iodized salt is 
what most of us use in baking it's got a 
little bit of a chemically taste so I don't use it for salads and things like 
that but iodine has been added to salt 
in order to prevent iodine deficiency in a lot of parts of the world because iodine deficient can lead to thyroid problems and other health problems so that's it as far as health benefit from
one type of salt versus another 
iodized salt has iodine in it I use it 
for baking I don't use it really for 
anything else in my house this right 
here is kosher salt coarse kosher salt 
as you can see it kind of has a little
bigger grain sin normal salt and I keep 
it out in a little Bowl just like this 
when I need salt take a little pinch put 
it right on my vegetables it's simple 
it's easy I use a little bit throughout 
the cooking process this is my go-to
salt kosher salt this is sea salt sea 
salt is just like any other salt it's 
not healthier it doesn't have less 
sodium in it it's the same the sea salt 
has maybe a little bit of a different 
flavor than the kosher salt but really
it can be used anytime you would use 
kosher salt I use sea salt just as 
something to change it up a little bit I 
keep it on the table to season my food 
the end but there's no benefit to using 
sea salt over kosher salt or table salt 
now for the controversial one if you 
look on the internet you would think
that pink Himalayan salt is the cure for 
all that ails you because the claim that 
it has more elements it's not as 
processed as regular salt there's this theory that it is better for you helps keep your electrolytes balanced that's nonsense Himalayan salt is 95 to 98% sodium 
chloride regular salt it has a trace 
amount of other elements and so it is 
not any better for your health now who 
doesn't love a little bit of pink salt I 
mean look at it it's beautiful right 
it's fun eating and choosing salt is 
really not about how always it's about 
fun little pink salt put it on your food keep it out on the table it's a 
conversation starter I love it 
lastly we got this thing called Maldon 
salt now if you look at this box this is 
a worn through box of salt and the 
reason why it's worn through is because 
I don't use molten salt very often it 
has these huge flakes which give you a 
burst of salt.
it's a finishing salt you use it at the 
very end of your dish when you want to really have a salt pop when you take a bite and I find it's a little too salty for me I almost never want a big salt 
crystals bite but it's a lot of fun also 
to use if you have people that enjoy 
that kind of flavor and if you are 
careful about how much salt you put in 
the rest of your food and your 
ingredients as you're cooking it it's 
okay to finish your dish with a little 
bit of salt so remember this choose the 
type of salt you're cooking with based 
on flavor based on presentation based on 
what excites you the only health benefit 
to one type of salt over the other is 
the iodized salt will help protect your 
thyroid everything else 
sea salt kosher salt Maldon salt 
Himalayan pink salt it's all sodium 
chloride it doesn't matter 
change your buds and learn to use just a 
little bit of salt while you're cooking 
we'll really enhance the flavor but 
don't overdo it for more health.
information make sure you stop by my 
website the nidatradings dot com I've got a  
blog sign up for my email list weekly 
tips and recipes directly to your inbox 
and we'll see you next time